Friday, August 21, 2020
Comparative Analysis on Kikuyu
Near Analysis on Kikuyu Near Analysis on Kikuyu inside the SPE and Post-SPE Framework Research paper for Foundations of Phonology Course Presentation This paper targets watching the informational index of Kikuyu language. Two systems are thought about, for example the Sound Pattern of English (from this time forward; SPE), and Post SPE (Autosegmental Phonology). Inside the conversation, approaches structure different hypotheses will likewise be featured; be that as it may, the central matter tended to in this paper is to assess the informational index of Kikuyu based on phonological speculations inside the two systems included. In view of SPE hypothesis, the lexical passages should comprise of adequate data for the phonological principles so as to distinguish its phonetic structures for every unique circumstance. At the end of the day, each lexical section is entered as a lot of phonological unmistakable highlights. Moreover, the hidden portrayal (UR) is considered as a theoretical portrayal in contrast with a surface portrayal (SR). Along the paper, we will talk about the two structures together with include documentations and afterward we will break down the informational index segmentally to get the guidelines overseeing the language of Kikuyu. In the following segment, we will endeavor to dissect the changeability of the planned articulary mechanical assembly with the soul of the Post-SPE structure driven by various inquiries in the improvement of the informational index examination of concerning the system inquestion. During the examination, we won't consider some fundamental necessities, for example, No Crossing Constraint and Linking Constraint so as to be reliable with the well-formedness state of Post-SPE system. Moreover, we will likewise approach the alleged geometry of phonetic portrayals joined by adequate guides to make sense of any conceivable arrangement. One of the focal issues tended to inside this paper is the examination on the moving of nasal + consonant concerning the given informational index. We will attempt to look at two hypotheses being referred to and see how those speculations could represent the adjustments in the informational index. At a later stage, we will see which hypothesis throws better examination of the given information than different does. A few literary works will be considered particularly those from the course book of Phonological Theory: The Essential Readings by Goldsmith, J. for example, The Sound Pattern of English by Chomsky, N. also, Halle, M., among others, just as applicable sources which may give us more data about the language of Kikuyu. Presently, let us experience the examination from the principal system, for example the SPE system. The SPE Framework The SPE system is accepted to be the premise of Generative Phonology since hypotheses inside this structure were impacted by the perspectives from generative etymology. Chomsky and Halle (in Goldsmith, 1999 : 17-19) expresses that a speakers information on his language comprises of knowing the lexical things of the language and each lexical passage must contain indicated highlights, which decide the phonetic type of the thing in all specific circumstances, for example the things phonological highlights. Besides, such phonological highlights are classificatory gadgets, they are double, just like all other classificatory highlights in the vocabulary, for the common method of showing whether a thing has a place with a specific classification is by methods for parallel highlights. There will be two degrees of portrayals that will be talked about in the SPE structure; hidden portrayal (for example lexical or morphophonemic grouping) and the surface structure (for example phonetic yield structure). Given the creators target expanding the effortlessness of the language structure, it follows that basic portrayals ought to be as dynamic as could be expected under the circumstances and evade excess, or non-unmistakable, highlights. Limited basic portrayals are surely a prerequisite to guarantee the all inclusive statement of the general phonetic framework. Inside this structure, we will examine the informational index on the language of Kikuyu in the soul of morphological examination, diagram on any conceivable shift inside the dataset, just as distinguishing the fundamental portrayal (UR) from the given informational index. Following this examination, we will attempt to watch potential guidelines with highlight documentation of the provided information so as to get a summed up rule requesting inside the informational index. For this investigation, we additionally allude to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) graph, particularly for the consonants outline and their highlights. Let us attempt to dissect the informational collection from the morphological examination with the given informational collection underneath. The informational collection of Kikuyu is given beneath in table 1: Basic - 1 sg.Imperfect- - English Meaning Ãÿura - mbureet?- - 'cut off' Ãÿaara - mbaareet?- - 'take a gander at' t?ma - nd?meet?- - 'cut' toma - ndomeet?- - 'send' reha - ndeheet?- - 'pay' ru?a - ndu?eet?- - 'cook' cina - ineet?- - 'consume' koma - ?gomeet?- - 'rest' kera - ?gereet?- - 'cross' ?ora - ?goreet?- - 'purchase' ?aja - ?gajeet?- - 'partition' From table 1, we can see that there are two structures to watch, the one being Imperative and the other being the 1-sg-Imperfect from informational collection of Kikuyu language, which is trailed by its significance in English. The table shows that for each given word, a few letters stay unaltered, which is composed in Bold inside the word. The vast majority of them appear to have a Vowel and Consonant request (VC) and a long vowel one (for example VVC, for example, in Ãÿaara. Moreover, we can likewise find in the Imperative segment in which all words are constantly finished with a, set apart after a slice sign (- ). In this manner, the words in the main solitary Imperfect segment are constantly finished with an eet?, which is additionally isolated by a cut (- ). A total informational collection investigation is given in table 2 underneath. Table 2 Basic - 1 sg. Blemished - English Translation Ãÿur - a - - mbur - eet?- - - 'trim off' Ãÿaar-a - - mbaar-eet?- - - 'take a gander at' t?m - a - - nd?m - eet?- - - 'cut' tom - a - - ndom - eet?- - - 'send' reh - a - - ndeh - eet?- - - 'pay' ru? - a - - ndu? - eet?- - - 'cook' cin - a - - in - eet?- - - 'consume' kom - a - - ?gom - eet?- - - 'rest' ker - a - - ?ger - eet?- - - 'cross' ?or on the other hand - a - - ?gor - eet?- - - 'purchase' ?aj - a - - ?gaj - eet?- - - 'separate' From table 2, we can see that the unaltered letters, which are Bold composed above, are the stems or could be a piece of the stems of the word in hidden portrayal. Moreover, we can likewise observe postfixes, which demonstrate the Imperativeness or the given words that are motioned as the last letter an at the last situation of the word. From the normality of the last letters eet?, we can say that the given words must be named postfixes showing the 1 sg. Defective type of Kikuyu language. We will examine the fundamental types of the morphemes consistency in a different conversation in a later part. Presently let us see the structure of the nasal sound which happens before the stems. It is possible that a shift is characterized as a morpheme, which has two diverse sound shapes, which can be dissected by a phonological procedure. From the informational collection of Kikuyu, the a few shifts can be seen as demonstrated in the accompanying table (see table 3). The shifts can be distinguished effectively in that Ãÿ becomes b; t/r becomes d; c becomes ?; k/? becomes g. Those variations can be seen as the rotations in the language of Kikuyu whose phonological procedure will be investigated in rules. Table 3 Basic - 1 sg. Flawed In a.b.ãÿ - - mb In c.d.t - - nd In e.f.r - - nd In g.c - - In h. I. k - - ?g In j. k. ?- - - ?g Moreover, we can likewise observe that a nasal consonant is embedded before the changed consonant, for example m; n; ? furthermore, ?, which recommends that the morphological procedure obliges the phonological procedure. Such inclusion shows us significant focuses for the informational collection in the language of Kikuyu. We will examine such marvel in more prominent worry in later part. Be that as it may, there is one comment about this marvel in the addition of nasal consonant in the 1 sg. Blemished gatherings could be broke down as certain prefixes inserted which may communicate the strained of an action word. At whatever point the rotation is developed in a contrary manner, for example b becomes Ãÿ in informational collection, this lead to a poorly framed development. Such a case is likewise falsifiable from information h. what's more, j. in which ?g would become k and ? separately following the case. Hence, we will consider the grouping of shift as from Imperative to 1 sg. De fective. The reanalysis of the stems of the two structures is outlined in table 4 beneath. Both prefixes (nasals) and postfixes ( an and eet?) are disposed of in table 4 with the goal that we can get the stem of every action word. Table 4. Basic - 1 sg. Defective - English Meaning Ãÿur - - pod - - 'trim off' Ãÿaar - - baar - - 'take a gander at' t?m - - d?m - - 'cut' tom - - dom - - 'send' reh - - deh - - 'pay' ruc - - du?- - - 'cook'
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